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Best data science and machine learning resources on the internet curated by a top tech mentor, technical tutorial creator, edtech creator, ML hackathon winner. Sample: top datasets, stack at top tech companies, conferences, free courses, recruiting events, cheatsheet, cutting edge deep learning research. We read the news so you don't have to. You just take our knowledge and excel in your work. 80/20 rule baby.

Our tutorials and blogs have earned the following honor: curated by Medium machine learning and data science editor, featured on KDNuggets, top engineering blog by Google. Our staff writers participate in invite-only Pytorch conference, Pytorch hackathon, Google Cloud events, Google Cloud Learning, scholarships from Facebook and Grow with Google, won Pytorch hackathon. and Angular hackathon, interviewed at Google, Kaggle, and participated in recruiting events at Stanford, Poshmark, Intuit, Quora, Kaggle, Google, Udacity and more.

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Coming soon … Content Pipeline:

Technical interviews, code snippets for machine learnists, amazing datasets of 2019, valuable notebooks sand kernels to keep.

End-to-End Machine Learning Course in your inbox

Introduction to Pytorch - deep learning framework by Facebook

Introduction to Tensorflow - deep learning framework by Google

Big Data Analysis and Machine Learning in BigQuery on Google Cloud

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Best data, ML resources curated by a top mentor, technical tutorial, edtech creator, hackathon winner.


Best data science and machine learning resources on the internet curated by a top tech mentor, technical tutorial creator, edtech creator, ML hackathon winner.