Machine Learning Newsletter May #01
Our Mission: Give people study resources for machine learning and coding
Recently our staff volunteered for Stanford computer science for all class called Code in Place, a free online program that offers every one to learn to code in Python, by using the first half content from the Stanford introductory class CS106A.
NEW FEATURES: We are also working on publishing transcripts and notes from important seminars, tutorials, conferences for deep learning and machine learning.
NEW FEATURES: Ever wonder what it takes to be a product manager at a top tech company? What about a program manager? What is the difference? Analyst versus Operation Analyst? This will be revealed in our new feature soon. We have gathered data from top tech companies, and are now doing some data wrangling.
We are working on these job posting analysis reports for program manager, product manager, analyst, operation analyst positions in top tech companies like Google, Postman and Facebook… Stay tuned. Need it sooner? Let us know by commenting below, message us or
Meanwhile, we are also working on publishing smart tutorials on our site
Here’s an example of our smart tutorial - AI generated art. 🧠
NEW FEATURES: Stay tuned for fun data science projects such as analyzing Dogecoin ledgers.
We continue to work on our technical interview database for python programmers and bootcamp graduates. Need it sooner? Let us know.
Read our disclaimer here : 👉🏻 disclaimer, policy, license.
End to End Machine Learning Course
Pro Member Cheat Sheets - ML tools
Hey pro members check out this cheat sheet for important toolkits for deep learning and machine learning.
Coming soon : job posts analysis. Looking for the next tech job? Uniqtech is building the largest database of tech jobs. Here are some insights Not ready for jobs yet? Grades and GPAs matter a lot if you want to be a graduate student, enter the academia: getting your master degree or PhD.
Check out more on the pro member only website and message us with questions any time. get a taste of smart tutorials on specific topics
End to End Machine Learning Course - Tutorial example how to retrieve a training sample from MNIST dataset
Major deep learning libraries come with pre-loadable, toy datasets for you to get started with machine learning fast. These known datasets are also useful for building a wire-framing for a vanilla neural network. You can test your architecture with these known datasets with known behaviors to ensure the architecture is set up correctly before using it on your dataset. In other words, one way to test in machine learning is to use your architecture on known datasets with known results.
Deep Learning tutorials usually process data records in batches. It is computationally optimal. But often it helps our understanding to look at one specific example, pick it apart and analyze it in details to understand the dataset better.
The MNIST hand written digit dataset is easy to understand. It is used to identify hand written digits by the US postal office - zip codes. Here’s the the tutorial for pro member to retrieve and visualize one data sample.
Each image is converted to pixels and stored as a numeric matrix. This tutorial is also useful for visualizing any image matrix data. Showing above: image sample of the number One 1.
How to load and visualize MNIST data Google Colab notebook
Note you will see a warning that this Google Colab notebook is not authored by Google and there may be risk of running it. Be aware you should never run codes written by others on your machine. In this case, feel free to copy and paste codes that you recognize and vetted in a notebook you created yourself. We like Google Colab because it does not require configuration or installation, which can take hours to trouble shoot, and does not interfere with your local environment. Click the the play button to run each cell of codes. You will notice we have already run the codes once, so there is result displaying from our previous run.
Note the dataset is split into train, test and valid. And within each dataset, there is big X the image matrix, and the small y the label vector. X is the data we provide to our model. y is the label we are trying to be predict : 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
NEWS and TREND : What is f*** is an NFT?
Smart tutorial launch: NFT explained FREE 🤑
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More creative use of Blockchain technology…
Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Prada Push Blockchain to Ensure Authenticity (Bloomberg)
What are some cool NFT examples? Jack Dorsey sold his first tweet. Nyan cat gif by Chris Torres was made into an NFT. PES stop motion artist minted his first NFT. Steve Aoki has a cool samurai anime character NFT with music and animation. Starting price and reserve price? 1 Ethereum, not exactly affordable. It was pretty cool. Dogecoin creator Billy Markus (twitter @BillyM2k) created some much cute, so awesome Dogecoin trading cards. Disclaimer: our articles are for informational purpose only. We do not endorse any brand, tech or services mentioned in this article. We are not certified advisors of any kind. NONE of our content is for commercial use. Error may occur in our articles, please verify before using or sharing.
NFT, verified and tracked by blockchains, seems to disrupt the art industry. What are industries are disrupted by blockchain technology? An example is Helium, a wifi company that rewards tokens to customers for hosting wifi hot spots - crowded sourced internet via wifi data relaying. We are not endorsing any names mentioned here in our article or any of our websites. It’s just an example.
Features coming soon this year : smart projects and smart walkthroughs. Learn as you make portfolio worthy projects. Accomplish more with less.
Cool data science projects coming soon: Who Let the Dogs Out? Dogecoin data analysis
Cool ML projects coming soon: How to quickly launch an NLP processing layer using Facebook.
English-Chinese Machine Learning Dictionary
PDF coming soon. Any subscriber with more than 3 months of subscription can request a free copy. Coming soon. Need it sooner? Message us.
NEWS AND TRENDS - Meet the Indian American Tech Leaders and CEOs
Meet this successful bunch of Indian-Americans behind some of the most popular startups and technology firms in the US (read more …)
App development trends predicted by Shopify staff (read more .. )
As always a great tool to learn about market research : Google Trend
Do you have a study music, coding music recommendation? Let us know by commenting below or message us
Toyota snatches up Lyft’s autonomous driving unit and its 300 employees to get a leg in the North America self driving business.
Virtual Office Tours
Last week we showcased a few startup offices.
Did you know that Facebook HQ has hardware vending machines for their engineers? It’s free. Engineers can get keyboards and mice instantly from these machines. Not a minute of productivity is wasted.
Talking about Facebook HQ, this is their Oculus office reception and Instagram reception. The coolest thing about the Instagram office? It has physical filters you can step behind to snap a photo.
Photo: left to right, top to bottom: oculus bar set, Facebook HQ dashboard monitor, Oculus headset, Instagram photo display, Instagram donuts, Instagram photo booth
Not getting into a tech company any time soon? Try a co-working space. They can be awesome and affordable at the same time. Our favorite is the HanaHaus in Palo Alto, right outside Stanford University. Blue Bottle can deliver coffee and pastry to the co-working space, which features a super futuristic mural, lots of different configurations of private office, group desks, whiteboard decorated space.
The price ranges from a few dollars to $25 dollars per hour. Pre-pandemic of course.
Digital Nomads - Tech Travel Stories
Before the pandemic, there was a data science bootcamp based in Bali. Imagine basking in the tropical sun, while getting better in coding? Sign me up! The pandemic ruined a lot of things, but it is still nice to be developers - working remotely while getting paid? Sign me up.
New technologies such as Jupyter Notebook for data scientists and machine learnists allow you to use CPU and GPU for deep learning, virtually anywhere with internet, zero installation or configuration required. Installations have always been the pain of getting started with programming, now that barrier is coming down.
Our office goal? Be successful enough to work remotely in Hawaii before the next pandemic hits.
Would you sign up for a learn to code retreat? Let us know by commenting below or message us
Only True Programmers and Machine Learnists Find These Jokes Funny:
Perhaps the best explanation of Machine Learning by xkcd. Laugh if you are a machine learning practitioner. Learn more about ML through us if you don’t laugh.
Do you know the Hot Dog not Hot Dog app? If not, it’s good to know this insider joke. This Medium author explains what it is and shows that Tensorflow does it out of the box. Hot Dog not Hot Dog machine learning app.
Previously: How to become a machine learning engineer
We are not career counselors but we collect and share insights from deep learning and machine learning experts. Here’s a quote from Mr. Laurence Moroney lead developer advocate at Google for Tensorflow, AI discussing how to get into Machine Learning, Edge Computing for Embedded Systems, TinyML in a recent Q&A online. He’s a truly great developer advocate and is great at communicating with developers. This detailed quote is for pro / paid members only. Visit the link here 👉🏻
Previous Newsletters
You can find the previous newsletters on Substack. And you can view an example of the newsletters in Smart Tutorial format here:
🧠 To read Newsletter March 2021 #1 basic access visit here. 👉🏻 link to free March newsletter.
🧠 To read Newsletter March 2021 #2 pro access visit here. 👉🏻 link to pro march newsletter.